Movement tailored to you

Find movement routines that fit your lifestyle, your current life stage and bring you joy

finding joy

My movement journey started at a young age through play and recreational sports. It was fun, carefree, and made me feel good. I attended Trinity Western University where I competed in x-country/ track and field while completing my degree in Kinesiology (BHK). I loved my time competing and training at that level but I also had my eyes opened to the destructive side of the sport and fitness industry. I learned how easy it was to fall into the trap that I was not good enough, and my body was not good enough. I began to chase “fitness goals” that were not healthy for my body and did not celebrate who I was to begin with.

My commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space, one that celebrates individuality without fixating on changing outward appearances, stems from my personal journey. I understand the feeling of being trapped by the industry, experiencing confusion, and being overwhelmed. My mission is to guide you in discovering a movement style that suits you and your lifestyle. Whether you have a history in sports and fitness, are a new mother, or simply seek an activity that brings you joy, this is a place where you can find empathy and clarity. It’s a space where you can become the best version of yourself and truly enjoy feeling good in your body.


Gym/ Home Strength

Whether you prefer the gym or the comfort of your own home, I provide tailored full-body programs designed to help you achieve your fitness goals. Build functional strength with personalized workouts that cater to your unique needs and aspirations.

Running Programs

For beginners setting their sights on their first 5km to seasoned marathon runners, those seeking a running routine of 2 days a week or a full 6, discover a running program that caters to your unique goals and body’s needs.

Pre/ postnatal exercise

Understanding your body’s unique needs during pregnancy and postpartum can be confusing. What suits one mother and one pregnancy may not apply to another. Take the guesswork out and learn how to care for your body through tailored movement strategies.

What to expect

Once you’ve completed the intake form, I’ll be in touch to arrange a meeting where we can delve into your goals, concerns, past experiences, and more to gain a better understanding of your vision moving forward. Together, we’ll create a customized plan that aligns with your preferences, budget, and lifestyle. The specifics of your journey may vary based on your individual aspirations and the level of support you require. I believe in collaborative care so their is a good chance I will refer you out to other professionals when I deem necessary.